Come si pronuncia that in inglese

Dizionario inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di that in inglese




Something being indicated that is there; one of those.

(degree) To a given extent or degree. (Example: "The ribbon was that thin." "I disagree, I say it was not that thin, it was thicker... or maybe thinner...")
(degree) To a great extent or degree; very, particularly (in negative constructions). (Example: I did the run last year, and it wasn't that difficult.)
To such an extent; so. (in positive constructions). (Example: Ooh, I was that happy I nearly kissed her.)

(demonstrative) The thing, person, idea, quality, event, action or time indicated or understood from context, especially if more remote geographically, temporally or mentally than one designated as "this", or if expressing distinction. (Example: He went home, and after that I never saw him again.)
The known (thing); used to refer to something just said. (Example: They're getting divorced. What do you think about that?)
(demonstrative) The aforementioned quality or proposition; used to emphatically affirm or deny a previous statement or question. (Example: The water is so cold! — That it is.)
(relative) (plural that) Which, who; representing a subject, direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition. (Example: The CPR course that she took really came in handy.)
Used in place of relative adverbs such as where or when; often omitted. (Example: the last time that [= when] I went to Europe)
Introducing a clause which is the subject or object of a verb (such as one involving reported speech), or which is a complement to a previous statement. (Example: He told me that the book is a good read.)
Introducing a subordinate clause expressing a reason or cause: because, in that. (Example: Be glad that you have enough to eat.)
Introducing a subordinate clause that expresses an aim, purpose or goal ("final"), and usually contains the auxiliaries may, might or should: so, so that.
Introducing — especially, but not exclusively, with an antecedent like so or such — a subordinate clause expressing a result, consequence or effect. (Example: The noise was so loud that she woke up.)
Introducing a premise or supposition for consideration: seeing as; inasmuch as; given that; as would appear from the fact that.
Introducing a subordinate clause modifying an adverb. (Example: How often did she visit him? — Twice that I saw.)
Introducing an exclamation expressing a desire or wish. (Example: Oh that spring would come!)
Introducing an exclamation expressing a strong emotion such as sadness or surprise.

Torna Indietro

Gli articoli in inglese

Gli articoli in inglese sono di due tipi principali: articoli determinativi e indeterminativi. Ecco una breve spiegazione di ciascun tipo:

Articoli Determinativi:
"The": È l'unico articolo determinativo in inglese. Si usa prima di un sostantivo per indicare che ci si sta riferendo a qualcosa di specifico o precedentemente menzionato.
Esempi: "The cat" (Il gatto), "The book" (Il libro), "The sun" (Il sole).

Articoli Indeterminativi:
"A" e "An": Sono gli articoli indeterminativi. Si usano prima di un sostantivo per indicare che ci si riferisce a qualcosa in modo generico o per la prima volta. La scelta tra "a" e "an" dipende dalla pronuncia della parola successiva. Esempi: "A cat" (Un gatto), "An apple" (Una mela), "A car" (Un'auto).

La scelta tra "a" e "an" è basata sulla prima lettera del sostantivo successivo. Si utilizza "a" prima di parole che iniziano con una consonante e "an" prima di parole che iniziano con una vocale. Ad esempio, "a book" e "an hour".
Questi articoli sono fondamentali per la costruzione delle frasi in inglese e per chiarire se ci si riferisce a qualcosa di specifico o generico.

Colori in inglese

Red   Green   Blue  
Yellow   Purple   Orange  
Pink   Brown   Cyan  
Lime   Magenta   Teal  
Silver   Gold   Indigo  
Gray   Maroon   Navy  

Pronomi personali in inglese

Tipo Soggetto Oggetto Possessivo
Prima Persona Singolare I Me My (Mine)
Seconda Persona Singolare You You Your (Yours)
Terza Persona Singolare (Maschile) He Him His (His)
Terza Persona Singolare (Femminile) She Her Her (Hers)
Terza Persona Singolare (Neutrale) It It Its (Its)
Tipo Riflessivo Dimostrativo Interrogativo/Indefinito
Prima Persona Singolare Myself This Who, Whom, Whose
Seconda Persona Singolare Yourself That Who, Whom, Whose
Terza Persona Singolare (Maschile) Himself That Who, Whom, Whose
Terza Persona Singolare (Femminile) Herself That Who, Whom, Whose
Terza Persona Singolare (Neutrale) Itself That What

I numeri ordinali e i numeri cardinali in inglese

Numero ordinale Numero Cardinale
1 One First
2 Two Second
3 Three Third
4 Four Fourth
5 Five Fifth
6 Six Sixth
7 Seven Seventh
8 Eight Eighth
9 Nine Ninth
10 Ten 10° Tenth
11 Eleven 11° Eleventh
12 Twelve 12° Twelfth
13 Thirteen 13° Thirteenth
14 Fourteen 14° Fourteenth
15 Fifteen 15° Fifteenth
16 Sixteen 16° Sixteenth
17 Seventeen 17° Seventeenth
18 Eighteen 18° Eighteenth
19 Nineteen 19° Nineteenth
20 Twenty 20° Twentieth

Cibi in inglese

Apple Banana Carrot Chocolate Pizza Rice Chicken Salad Ice Cream Broccoli Sandwich Fish Pasta Cheese Tomato Orange Avocado Egg Grape Watermelon Cucumber Cake Steak Potato Milk Burger Pineapple Cereal Shrimp Beans Peanut Coffee Spinach Blueberry Bread Tuna Mango Soup Bacon Yogurt Head Hair Face Eye Ear Nose Mouth Lips Teeth Tongue Neck Shoulder Arm Elbow Forearm Hand Finger Thumb Chest Back Abdomen Waist Hip Leg Thigh Knee Calf Ankle Foot Toe Knife Fork Spoon Plate Bowl Cup Glass Mug Pot Pan Whisk Strainer Colander Peeler Grater Scale Pot Tongs

Aggettivi in inglese

Happy Creative Bold Sincere Elegant Adventurous Resilient Friendly Vibrant Graceful Inquisitive Jovial Serene Clever Radiant Exuberant Magnificent Grateful Dynamic Trustworthy Mysterious Graceful Spontaneous Gentle Vivid Effervescent Quirky Innovative Harmonious Joyful Luminous Enchanting Efficient Stellar Fearless Energetic Lively Radiant Resilient Wholesome Soothing Majestic Inventive Playful Resolute Colorful Harmonious Enigmatic Whimsical Empowering Infatuating Mellifluous Magnetic Ethereal Empathetic Inspirational Pristine Zen Ethical Dazzling

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