Come si pronuncia pan in inglese

Dizionario inglese

Ascolta la pronuncia di pan in inglese




A wide, flat receptacle used around the house, especially for cooking.
The contents of such a receptacle.
A cylindrical receptacle about as tall as it is wide, with one long handle, usually made of metal, used for cooking in the home.
A deep plastic receptacle, used for washing or food preparation; a basin.
A wide receptacle in which gold grains are separated from gravel by washing the contents with water.
An expanse of level land located in a depression, especially
Short for hardpan: a hard substrate such as is formed in pans.
Strong adverse criticism.
A loaf of bread.
The chamber pot in a close stool; the base of a toilet, consisting of the bowl and its support.
A human face, a mug.
(roofing) The bottom flat part of a roofing panel that is between the ribs of the panel.
A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating as part of manufacture; a vacuum pan.
The part of a flintlock that holds the priming.
The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the brainpan.
The brain, seen as one's intellect
A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge.

To wash in a pan (of earth, sand etc. when searching for gold).
To disparage; to belittle; to put down; to criticise severely.
With "out" (to pan out), to turn out well; to be successful.
(of a contest) To beat one's opposition convincingly.
To criticize harshly a work (like a book, movie, etc.)
Meanings relating to a wind instrument.
Meanings relating to a hollow conduit.
Meanings relating to a container.
Meanings relating to something resembling a tube.
Meanings relating to computing.
Meanings relating to a smoking implement.



Of a camera, etc.: to turn horizontally.
To move the camera lens angle while continuing to expose the film, enabling a contiguous view and enrichment of context. In still-photography large-group portraits the film usually remains on a horizontal fixed plane as the lens and/or the film holder moves to expose the film laterally. The resulting image may extend a short distance laterally or as great as 360 degrees from the point where the film first began to be exposed.
(audio) To spread a sound signal into a new stereo or multichannel sound field, typically giving the impression that it is moving across the sound stage.



A psychoactive preparation of betel leaf combined with areca nut and/or cured tobacco, chewed recreationally in Asia; such a preparation served wrapped in the leaf.



To join or fit together; to unite.



A part; a portion.
(fortifications) The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle.
A leaf of gold or silver.




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Gli articoli in inglese

Gli articoli in inglese sono di due tipi principali: articoli determinativi e indeterminativi. Ecco una breve spiegazione di ciascun tipo:

Articoli Determinativi:
"The": È l'unico articolo determinativo in inglese. Si usa prima di un sostantivo per indicare che ci si sta riferendo a qualcosa di specifico o precedentemente menzionato.
Esempi: "The cat" (Il gatto), "The book" (Il libro), "The sun" (Il sole).

Articoli Indeterminativi:
"A" e "An": Sono gli articoli indeterminativi. Si usano prima di un sostantivo per indicare che ci si riferisce a qualcosa in modo generico o per la prima volta. La scelta tra "a" e "an" dipende dalla pronuncia della parola successiva. Esempi: "A cat" (Un gatto), "An apple" (Una mela), "A car" (Un'auto).

La scelta tra "a" e "an" è basata sulla prima lettera del sostantivo successivo. Si utilizza "a" prima di parole che iniziano con una consonante e "an" prima di parole che iniziano con una vocale. Ad esempio, "a book" e "an hour".
Questi articoli sono fondamentali per la costruzione delle frasi in inglese e per chiarire se ci si riferisce a qualcosa di specifico o generico.

Colori in inglese

Red   Green   Blue  
Yellow   Purple   Orange  
Pink   Brown   Cyan  
Lime   Magenta   Teal  
Silver   Gold   Indigo  
Gray   Maroon   Navy  

Pronomi personali in inglese

Tipo Soggetto Oggetto Possessivo
Prima Persona Singolare I Me My (Mine)
Seconda Persona Singolare You You Your (Yours)
Terza Persona Singolare (Maschile) He Him His (His)
Terza Persona Singolare (Femminile) She Her Her (Hers)
Terza Persona Singolare (Neutrale) It It Its (Its)
Tipo Riflessivo Dimostrativo Interrogativo/Indefinito
Prima Persona Singolare Myself This Who, Whom, Whose
Seconda Persona Singolare Yourself That Who, Whom, Whose
Terza Persona Singolare (Maschile) Himself That Who, Whom, Whose
Terza Persona Singolare (Femminile) Herself That Who, Whom, Whose
Terza Persona Singolare (Neutrale) Itself That What

I numeri ordinali e i numeri cardinali in inglese

Numero ordinale Numero Cardinale
1 One First
2 Two Second
3 Three Third
4 Four Fourth
5 Five Fifth
6 Six Sixth
7 Seven Seventh
8 Eight Eighth
9 Nine Ninth
10 Ten 10° Tenth
11 Eleven 11° Eleventh
12 Twelve 12° Twelfth
13 Thirteen 13° Thirteenth
14 Fourteen 14° Fourteenth
15 Fifteen 15° Fifteenth
16 Sixteen 16° Sixteenth
17 Seventeen 17° Seventeenth
18 Eighteen 18° Eighteenth
19 Nineteen 19° Nineteenth
20 Twenty 20° Twentieth

Cibi in inglese

Apple Banana Carrot Chocolate Pizza Rice Chicken Salad Ice Cream Broccoli Sandwich Fish Pasta Cheese Tomato Orange Avocado Egg Grape Watermelon Cucumber Cake Steak Potato Milk Burger Pineapple Cereal Shrimp Beans Peanut Coffee Spinach Blueberry Bread Tuna Mango Soup Bacon Yogurt Head Hair Face Eye Ear Nose Mouth Lips Teeth Tongue Neck Shoulder Arm Elbow Forearm Hand Finger Thumb Chest Back Abdomen Waist Hip Leg Thigh Knee Calf Ankle Foot Toe Knife Fork Spoon Plate Bowl Cup Glass Mug Pot Pan Whisk Strainer Colander Peeler Grater Scale Pot Tongs

Aggettivi in inglese

Happy Creative Bold Sincere Elegant Adventurous Resilient Friendly Vibrant Graceful Inquisitive Jovial Serene Clever Radiant Exuberant Magnificent Grateful Dynamic Trustworthy Mysterious Graceful Spontaneous Gentle Vivid Effervescent Quirky Innovative Harmonious Joyful Luminous Enchanting Efficient Stellar Fearless Energetic Lively Radiant Resilient Wholesome Soothing Majestic Inventive Playful Resolute Colorful Harmonious Enigmatic Whimsical Empowering Infatuating Mellifluous Magnetic Ethereal Empathetic Inspirational Pristine Zen Ethical Dazzling

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