Hair Up - Trolls

Hair Up con music video e testo della canzone del film di animazione DreamWorks TROLLS (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) di Justin Timberlake


Hair Up - Trolls

Hair Up con music video e testo della canzone del film di animazione DreamWorks TROLLS (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) di Justin Timberlake

Film: Trolls

Scritta da:  Justin Timberlake, Max Martin, Shellback Savan Kotecha, Oscar Holter

Prodotta da: Timberlake Martin & Shellback Holte

Durata: 2:58


Trolls testo Hair Up
Hair in the air
Put your hair
Put your hair in the air

Hair in the air
Put your hair
Put your hair in the air
I’ve got a fever coming on
And now it’s beating on my bones
I feel like diamonds or some gold
So DJ play it
That’s my song

Go, go, go, go, go
Put your hair in the air
Go, go, go, go, go, go
Hair up

Come on baby
Let’s go crazy
We ain’t never gonna stop
Hair up
Come on baby
Let’s go crazy
We ain’t never gonna stop
Hair up

Put your hair in the air (hair up)
We don’t care (hair up)
Put your hair in the air (hair up)
We don’t care (hair up)

I’ve got a fever coming on
And now it’s beating on my bones
I feel like diamonds or some gold
So DJ play it
That’s my song

Go, go, go, go, go
Put your hair in the air
Go, go, go, go, go, go
Hair up

Come on baby
Let’s go crazy
We ain’t never gonna stop
Hair up
Come on baby
Let’s go crazy
We ain’t never gonna stop

(Hair up)

Trolls la colonna sonora del film

Tutte le canzoni, in totale 13, del film di animazione della DreamWorks Trolls del 2016 con video e testo. Hair Up, Can’t Stop Feeling, Move your feet

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